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Pitney Bowes Showcases Enterprise Message Management Solutions at Xplor in Los Angeles, CA

     DANBURY, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--October 27, 1999--

      High-Speed, High-Integrity Print/Mail Finishing, Shop-Floor

Control and Reporting, Digital Delivery and Customized 1-to-1 Messaging Help Document Professionals Boost Performance to World-Class


The Production Mail and Document Factory Solutions Division of Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE:PBI) today announced that it is showcasing an array of enterprise message management technologies at Xplor in Los Angeles, October 31-November 5. These technologies include comprehensive production control, custom-tailored messaging and innovative digital delivery capabilities that will help document production professionals boost performance to world-class levels.

"High-volume mailers are always concerned about communicating with customers efficiently," says Brian Baxendale, President of Production Mail and Document Factory Solutions. "At Xplor we are demonstrating the latest in hardware, software and production control procedures to help speed processing, improve integrity, and lower costs for postage, labor and materials."

"But a growing majority are also focusing on the effectiveness of the mailpiece," says Baxendale, "and are shifting their view of customer communications from an internal or `high-volume mailing' perspective to an external one that centers on `strategic message management.'"

"These mailers/message managers will find the innovative capabilities we are displaying at Xplor extremely useful, particularly those related to our document factory solution, our new shop-floor control and reporting capability, our assured high-integrity processing system, our digital delivery options and our new one-to-one customer relationship software."

High-speed, High-integrity Processing

At the heart of any advanced print/mail finishing operation is a high-speed, high-integrity intelligent inserting capability. The Pitney Bowes' Xplor exhibit features three of the best systems available.

The new Pitney Bowes 12 Series Flat Deck Inserting System will demonstrate the remarkable throughput billing and statement applications can achieve when high-speed processing equipment is combined with the advanced high-integrity Direct Connect(TM) file-based processing control system. This demonstration is paper-based and utilizes a Metacode format using continuous form, 2-up simplex printing on an Oce laser printer. The demonstration will also feature an automatic print regeneration capability using a PCL format and a local laser printer.

A second demonstration involves the processing of customer communications using both hard copy and digital delivery options, and centers on the proven-effective 9 Series Intelligent Inserting System. This demonstration utilizes a PostScript(R) format with cut-sheet, duplex printing on a Xerox DocuPrint 65 model laser printer, and the Digital Document Delivery(TM) (D3) capability to deliver statement data to customers via alternate electronic channels such as the Internet.

The third demonstration centers on the highly-flexible 8 Series Intelligent Inserting System and will showcase the capability to merge two different print streams and still assure accurate mailpiece assembly via the Direct Connect file-based processing control system and both OCR and DataMatrix scanning technologies.

To heighten realism, all inserting systems at Xplor will process an actual 401(k) personal financial statement (PFS) provided by a major insurance company. The application, the insurance firm administers on behalf of business customers, is completely authentic with the exception that the names of individual clients have been altered to assure confidentiality.

These state-of-the-art processing demonstrations will feature advanced concepts, such as in-line addressing on closed-faced envelopes and highly precise OCR scanning capabilities, to achieve highly personalized messages with assured high integrity.

Also included in the PFS demonstration will be the integrated use of StreamWeaver(R) print manipulation software, innovative digital delivery options and the new Pitney Bowes' one-to-one customer relations software capability provided by Pitney Bowes partner, Exstream Corporation.

First, the StreamWeaver software splits the print stream for processing into either print or electronic form. Second, the Pitney Bowes D3 capability will prepare the documents for electronic presentment via the Internet. Third, the new customer relations software will then prioritize and selectively include electronic inserts, which contain one-to-one marketing messages chosen for each recipient based on the campaign management database and information stored in each customer's profile in the database.

A similar one-to-one messaging capability will be included with the PFS mailings that are being handled in the traditional paper-based format. These custom-tailored messages will include both graphic images and text messages and will be applied on the exterior of the envelope.

Designing and Implementing Document Factories

The Pitney Bowes Xplor exhibit will also feature a specialized 'concept' demonstration of pb.commander, the industry's most comprehensive suite of products, services and financing options to help high-volume mailers design and implement document factories.

pb.commander offers high-volume mailers "the design and implementation tools needed to establish a well-integrated output strategy encompassing document production, delivery and remittance," says Karl Schumacher, Vice President and General Manager for Document Factory Solutions.

According to the GartnerGroup, the automated document factory and the digital document "will have more impact on the print/mail finishing environment over the next three years" than any other technology in the past two decades.

The respected consulting firm also predicts that document production professionals who struggle with managing change in the current environment "will be overwhelmed" if they fail to prepare for the inevitable changes that lie ahead.

Pitney Bowes will also host or participate in a series of special educational events at Xplor on planning and managing the document production process. These events include:

-- Customer testimonials on the successful application of Pitney

Bowes hardware and software products

-- VIP Sessions on the key challenges facing the electronic document

systems industry and the business strategies and solutions

available to help address mission-critical issues

-- Presentations on advancements in document production technology,

     consumer preferences related to Electronic Bill Presentment and
     Payment (EBPP), and designing and implementing an integrated
     document factory

--   Xplor panel discussions on Electronic Bill Presentment and
     Payment (EBPP), and the effective management of print/mail
     finishing centers

--   The StreamWeaver Affiliate User Group meeting at Xplor

--   A vendor tutorial on how to cost justify a complete document
     factory implementation

     Also included in the Xplor exhibit will be the Pitney Bowes broad
spectrum of professional and technical services, process

re-engineering and systems integration expertise, partnerships with key vendors, and range of financing options that can help high-volume mailers facilitate the shift to strategic message management.

For more information about Pitney Bowes' enterprise message management solutions, visit the Production Mail and Document Factory Solutions booth, No. 1335.

Pitney Bowes Inc. is a $4.2 billion provider of informed mail and message management. For more information visit