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Pitney Bowes to 'Webcast' Presentations on Strategic Messaging Management from Xplor

     DANBURY, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 1, 1999--

         New Technology Enables Instantaneous Delivery of Key
        Information on Advanced Print/Mail Finishing Solutions

     The Production Mail and Document Factory Solutions Division of

Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE:PBI) is employing innovative webcasting technology at this year's Xplor Conference to give all customers immediate access to a comprehensive series of presentations which details the full scope of the firm's enterprise message management solution.

"Xplor is one of the best venues available to learn about the latest advances in print/mail finishing technologies," says Lenore O'Connor, Director of Worldwide Marketing of Production Mail and Document Factory Solutions. "But some customers are unable to attend the conference, or have conflicts that prevent them from attending all key sessions."

"By webcasting our presentations, we can assure that all of our customers--whether they are attending Xplor or not--have immediate access to the latest information on how they can employ enterprise-wide messaging management strategies to boost productivity, lower costs and improve mailpiece effectiveness."

Instantly Available to Employees and Peers

"Plus, the webcasts will enable our customers to share this vital information with other key people in their organizations, such as employees in the print/mail finishing unit and peers and internal customers in the IT, marketing and various business units who interact with the print/mail finishing center."

The webcasts will feature presentations by Pitney Bowes executives and managers who are participating in the Xplor International 20th Global Conference & Exhibit, held November 2-4 in Los Angeles.

The presentations will be available to all attendees at the conference, who can easily access and view the presentations via PC at the Pitney Bowes booth, No. 1335. Customers and other document production professionals who cannot attend Xplor can view the same presentations at the Pitney Bowes web site ( both during and after the conference.

The webcasts will cover the key elements of the firm's hardware, software, systems integration and professional services to create a comprehensive enterprise-wide messaging management solution. Specific presentations will focus on:

-- The Pitney Bowes Enterprise-wide Document Factory Solution for

mail and message management

-- The StreamWeaver(R) print conditioning tool, which is used to

     boost the efficiency of print/mail finishing operations as well
     as the effectiveness of individual transaction documents such as
     statements, invoices and notices

--   The Digital Document Delivery(TM) (D3) capability, which enables
     the conversion of hard-copy statements to electronic form for
     presentment and payment via the Internet

--   The Professional Services capability, which includes strategy,
     design and implementation services to help augment existing
     business processes and overcome technical challenges

--   The Dialogue(TM) one-to-one customer relations software tool,
     which enables the selective inclusion of highly customized

--   The ReUnion(TM) data quality software tool, which verifies,
     corrects and enhances customer information for superior
     one-to-one customized communications

--   The SiteView(TM) system for assured tracking and reporting on
     documents as they move through the entire Document Factory

     All webcasts will be available at 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week beginning November 2.
     Pitney Bowes is a $4.2 billion provider of informed mail and
message management. For more information visit